How to keep up with the specialized pet food industry

Posted by Terri Shipstone on
Pet Food

It’s only a matter of time before our precious pets are sitting at the head of the dinner table, ready to tuck into the same human food that we enjoy each day.

But until then, pet owners will continue to search for human-quality kibble for their animal companions. Here’s how manufacturers can keep up with the demand.

What pet owners are looking for

Mirroring what people are starting to look for in their food, pet owners are going the clean-label food route in their kibble choices.

This means organic, grain-free—or gluten-free—foods, often with minimal processing and a paleo positioning. Yes, we do realize that this can be quite a mouthful.

Pet owners are increasingly looking for all-natural ingredients that provide a balanced diet mixed into each bite (i.e. kibble that includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals). Pet food experts maintain that kibble for cats and dogs should include more than 40 essential nutrients.

Trends in pet spending

Pet owners are continuing to be cautious in where they spend money on pet foods.

As they focus on the health and wellness of their pets, they are willing to spend more money on premium brands that put an emphasis on natural ingredients.

What does this mean for manufacturers?

With more of a focus on clean labels, consumers are zeroing-in on the manufacturing process of their pet foods now more than ever.

Regardless of this, it’s always important to follow FSMA guidelines and remain compliant across your entire manufacturing line and supply chain.

It’s also important to find sustainable methods for incorporating all of these specialized features into pet food without breaking the bank on manufacturing and energy costs.

Give the pet people what they want

Aligning with the new FSMA guidelines, the preventive approach to pet food safety is integral to avoiding product recalls. Pet owners tend to be very tuned-in to trends online, so any news about problems or recalls with a product spread rapidly.

The future of pet food lies in keeping up with the little guy—the homemade specialty brands.

In order to supply excellent choices for your customers while staying sustainable and keeping your costs low, try products like the Channel Changer Valve.

It allows you to make well-balanced kibbles, granules, pellets and powders, with different ingredients or flavors, without having to build separate conveying systems for each product. This means less steps in your manufacturing process, and a much more sustainable future for pet food.

Categories: Sanitary